CGDream Pricing

Start generating AI images with CGDream

/ month
Value added tax may apply
Images generated per month
Images generated per month
1200 images24 000 images
Priority Image Generation
While free users are queued, you'll enjoy expedited access to image generation. Your creations will come to life without delay, ensuring your ideas are realized promptly.
Priority Image Generation
While free users are queued, you'll enjoy expedited access to image generation. Your creations will come to life without delay, ensuring your ideas are realized promptly.
Concurrent Jobs
No longer limited to a single job, you can now simultaneously initiate multiple art generation processes. Dive into a whirlpool of creativity and watch your ideas materialize in parallel.
Concurrent Jobs
No longer limited to a single job, you can now simultaneously initiate multiple art generation processes. Dive into a whirlpool of creativity and watch your ideas materialize in parallel.
Browsing and Search
Browsing and Search
Private Mode
Unlike the free plan, your creations won't be visible to the public. Your art remains exclusive to you, allowing you to share it selectively or keep it entirely to yourself.
Private Mode
Unlike the free plan, your creations won't be visible to the public. Your art remains exclusive to you, allowing you to share it selectively or keep it entirely to yourself.
Commercial Use
Turn your passion into profit with the Commercial Use of Images feature. As a premium user, the rights to your generated art extend beyond personal use.
Commercial Use
Turn your passion into profit with the Commercial Use of Images feature. As a premium user, the rights to your generated art extend beyond personal use.
Image Variations per Job
Image Variations per Job

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I create images for free?

Yes! When you sign up, you can create an unlimited number of images without any cost. However, please note that there are certain limitations on the free plan. While you can enjoy the full image creation functionality, some advanced features and options are only available to our premium users.

As a free user, you will have limited access to features such as queue management, DreamUp usage, upscaling, and private mode.

If you find the free plan suitable for your needs, you can continue to create images and benefit from the basic functionalities provided. Should you require access to additional features and premium resources, we offer affordable subscription plans that unlock various advanced options to enhance your image creation experience.

Will my content be kept private, or can it be used by CGDream or other users?

We take your content privacy seriously. Any content you upload, whether it's a 3D model or an image, will always be kept private and secure. CGDream or other users cannot access your uploaded content unless you share it with them.

Please be aware that free users can only generate images publicly. This means that other users may be able to see and access the uploaded image or 3D model in generated images. However, as a premium user, you can generate images privately. This will ensure your uploaded content cannot be accessed by anyone else.

Can I use the images generated by the platform for commercial purposes?

To use the images generated by CGDream for commercial purposes, you need to purchase our Premium Plan. This plan allows you to incorporate the generated images into your commercial projects, including marketing materials, advertisements, websites, and products you intend to sell.

My images aren't turning out well. What can I do?

If your images aren't turning out as expected, there are a few steps you can take to improve your results:

  1. Refine your prompt: The quality and clarity of your prompt can greatly influence the generated images. Make sure your prompt includes specific details about what you want to see in the image. Also add Negative keywords in the settings right-sidebar to indicate what you don't want to see in the image.
  2. Add related filters from Filters menu to enhance and add more details to the image. You can combine up to 5 filters to create interesting effects or styles.
  3. If it's hard to come up with the right words for your prompt, you can use DreamUp feature (next to Generate button). With the help of AI DreamUp will expand your prompt to make it more detailed and coherent. Quite often it produces higher-quality and more refined images by providing additional context and guidance to the model.
  4. Experiment with different settings: if your images are overexposed or oversaturated, try to reduce filters strengths, and also reduce Prompt Guidance parameter in the settings sidebar.
  5. Seek community support: Engage with the platform's Gallery to seek examples and guidance from other users. They may have some suggestions to improve your image generation results.

How can I leave feedback?

If you'd like to leave feedback, we welcome and appreciate your input! Please use our Feedback Form. There you can leave various types of feedback such as Feature Requests, Bug Reports, User Experience (UX), and Performance feedback!

Your feedback is important to us, and we are committed to carefully processing each and every suggestion or concern you share.

Can I create NSFW content?

Creating NSFW (Not Safe for Work) content is allowed only for Premium users. All NSFW images will always be in “Private” mode, and other users won't be able to see them.

We prioritize maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all users, and this includes adhering to content guidelines that prohibit the creation of explicit or adult-oriented material. By enforcing these guidelines, we aim to ensure that our platform remains suitable for a wide range of users and aligns with ethical and community standards.

If you have any questions or concerns about the content guidelines or limitations on our platform, please feel free to reach out to our support team, and they will be happy to assist you further.

How do I retrieve a deleted image?

If you are a premium user and have accidentally deleted an image, don't worry. You can contact our support team to request assistance in retrieving the deleted image.

Please reach out to our support team as soon as possible, providing them with the necessary details such as the date, time of deletion, the name or prompt of the deleted image, and any other relevant information that can help them locate and restore the image for you.

Our support team will do their best to assist you in recovering the deleted image. However, please keep in mind that the success of image retrieval may depend on various factors, including the time elapsed since deletion and the availability of backups. We recommend contacting support promptly to increase the chances of successful recovery.

Why is my Premium Plan not activated after purchase?

Sometimes, it may take a little while for payment processing to complete. Please allow some time for the transaction to be processed.

If you have waited for some time and your Premium Plan still hasn't been activated, or if you encounter any issues during the activation process, please don't hesitate to contact our support team via the "Share Feedback" Form for further assistance. We're here to help you!

What should I do if the image generation is stuck?

If the image generation is stuck, there are a few steps you can take to try and resolve the issue:

  1. Refresh the Page: Most of the times simple refreshing resolve temporary glitches or issues with the image generation process.
  2. Cancel and Retry: If the generation appears to be stuck, you can try canceling the current generation and launching it again. This can sometimes help resolve any temporary issues or glitches in the generation process.
  3. Clear Browser Cache: Clearing your browser's cache and cookies can help refresh the page and resolve any caching issues that may be causing the image generation to stall.
  4. Try a Different Browser: If you're experiencing issues with one browser, try switching to a different browser and see if the problem persists.
  5. Contact Customer Support: If none of the above steps resolve the issue, reach out to our customer support team for assistance. Provide them with details about the problem you're experiencing, including any error messages you may have encountered, and they will work to help resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

How can I delete my generated images?

Users can delete images they generate at any time. We understand the importance of managing your content and thus provide you with the flexibility to remove any images (Public or Private) you've generated through our platform.

Simply log in to your account, navigate to the image you wish to delete, and click on the "Delete" button at the top left corner of the image. If you encounter any difficulties or have further questions regarding image deletion, please don't hesitate to contact our support team for assistance.